
刚刚发行的《Equestrian World Book》(马术世界图鉴)由著名出版社TeNeuss 出版,作为首次发行的版本,这一图鉴做工精细,封面以仿皮装裱。该书收录了对马术世界方方面面的介绍,从马术运动、对马术的热情以及马术生活方式,并从不同的版块视角来展现:马球、马术障碍、赛马、西方马术文化、花式骑术以及其它更多的内容。书中的每一页都可称作是视觉享受,有令人着迷的图集,也有令人惊叹的获奖摄影作品。书中章节包括手工技艺、奢华马术旅行地、国际品牌等,丰富精彩的内容一定会带给每一位读者其乐无穷的阅读体验。

Hot off the press, the first edition of the Equestrian World book published by TeNeuss is a lovely hard cover gem with textured faux fur cover.  Encompassing the best of equestrian sport, passion 

and lifestyle you will enjoy discovering the vast world of the equestrian arts including: polo, jumping, racing, western, dressage and more. Each page is a visual delight with captivating imagery and 

award winning photographs.  Includes chapters on craftsmanship, luxury equestrian destinations, international brands that will sure to enthrall.

ELLA很荣幸地被收录其中,成为本书精选的全球6家马术精品店之一,与美国著名品牌Ralph Lauren及法国品牌Maison Guibert并列。

ELLA is proud to be featured as only one of six exclusive boutiques featured in the book with names like Ralph Lauren and Maison Guibert.

ELLA不仅是满足骑行中装备需求的商业实体,更是一个致力于聚焦马和马术生活方式的交流与推广的品牌。同时,品牌创始人及CEO ——Melissa Lu想要将这样一种对生活的热情在一个国家范围内推广,作为一个中美合资的马术品牌,ELLA跨越中西界限,促进文化互动与交流。

ELLA is much more than just a business that meets the needs for riding articles.  It aims to put across a whole lifestyle focused on horses and riding.  And what is more, the company founder and CEO Melissa Lu aspires to demonstrate this feeling for life to an entire country – as a riding Joint Venture between China and the USA that combines cultures and leaps borders.


Excerpt from book


ELLA 是“Equestrian Lifestyle Luxury Art”(马术生活,奢华艺术)的首字母缩写。回溯到品牌创立的2006年,在北京,几乎没有任何可与西方市场相匹配的马术生态。Melissa Lu敏锐地察觉到了这里的市场空缺。随即在北京开设了第一家精品店,旨在将来自世界各地的高品质马术产品,带给中国新一代的年轻马术爱好者。店内在售产品,来自享誉世界的马术品牌如Pariani, Cavalleria Toscana, Zandona 及Razza Pura。

ELLA stands for “Equestrian Lifestyle Luxury Art.”  In Beijing, back in 2006, there was nothing even remotely comparable.  Melissa Lu was sensitive to the needs of the market.  She opened her first

boutique, with the aim of bringing quality products from all over the world to a new generation of young riders in China. These include names like Pariani, Cavalleria Toscana, Zandona and Razza Pura.

Melissa Lu

Melissa Lu 随后将ELLA的版图推至国际舞台。与此同时,马术运动的各大赞助商也意识到了ELLA品牌及其创始人的影响力和创新力,在众多中国举办的重要活动中,都与其合作。Melissa Lu也凭借她自身的影响成为了业界明星,登上亚洲各大杂志的封面,她于2009年获得了“Asia’s Most Stylish”大奖(亚洲风尚大奖)。从某种意义上来说,她本人就是ELLA产品的最典型的化身

Pursuing Ms. Lu's project of shaping ELLA into an international brand, the big sponsors of equestrian sport have not been slow to recognize the innovative strength of ELLA and its founder, and have been cooperating with her in important Chinese events.  Melissa Lu is herself by this time something of a star. She is regularly featured on covers of Asian magazines, and won the “Asia’s Most 

Stylish” award in 2009.  In a sense, she is herself the ideal incarnation of her own product.

About the author

Peter Clotten 是一名极富经验的马术专家,他和马儿共渡了许多时光,同时作为一名作者的他,也痴迷对于马儿的写作。从上世纪80年代开始,他在不断的旅行中,约见并采访了众多世界知名的驯马师,在观察野马生活习性的同时,创作了几本相关著作,其中包括《Raising Stallions》(抚育种马,2008)、《The Last Mustang》(最后的野马,2009)。

Peter Clotten is a seasoned equine expert who not only spends the majority of his time with horses, but also enjoys writing about them just as much in his work as an author.  Since the 1980s, he 

has traveled extensively,interviewed world-famous horse trainers, and observed wild mustangs for various book projects (including Raising Stallions, 2008, The Last Mustang, 2009).

除了作家和记者的身份,他本身也是一名骄傲的马主,他的爱驹就包括了一匹夸特马血统种马,Peter生活在他的第二故乡法国西南部。从2012年开始,他与美国摄影师Tony Stromberg一起合作组织了一系列的马主题摄影研习坊。

In addition to his role as an author and journalist, he is the proud owner of several horses, including quarter horse breed stallion, and lives in his adopted home in southwestern France.  Since 2012, he has also organized a series of horse photography workshops with American photographer Tony Stromberg. 

《Equestrian World Book》(马术世界图鉴)现已在ELLA发售。

Copies now available at ELLA.  

2017年12月29日 15:03