
传奇场地障碍赛骑手Scott Brash成为奢华意大利马术品牌Cavalleria Toscana新一季形象大使。

World champion show jumper Scott Brash is the new ambassador for luxury Italian horse riding brand Cavalleria Toscana.

著名场地障碍赛骑手Scott Brash来自苏格兰,他是2012年伦敦夏季奥运会团体赛的金牌得主

Brash, from Scotland, won gold with Team Great Britain at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games




2015年,Scott Brash创造传奇历史,成为第一个完成“劳力士场地障碍赛大满贯”的骑手,同年,在全球三大著名马术赛事中成为三连冠霸主。




In 2015 he made history - becoming the first rider to win the Rolex Grand Slam, placing first in show jumping’s three most prestigious events in a single year.


Brash在赛场上的傲人表现,来自Cavalleria Toscana高品质专业马术装备的支持。

Brash’s talent in the ring is backed by Cavalleria Toscana’s quality equestrian wear.




Cavalleria Toscana的精细手工,以及融合时髦和优雅的风格,让其享誉马术界和时尚名流圈。品牌同时不断进行技术革新,并通过精准测试,最大化提升赛场表现

The brand is famous for its precision craftsmanship that blends chic and elegant pieces with technical innovation and rigorous testing for optimum 

performance in the saddle.

今年32岁的Brash因其在赛场上的出众型格而备受瞩目,而Cavalleria Toscana单品无疑是对于他个人风格的最好诠释。今年,Brash成为Cavalleria Toscana品牌形象大使,并推出了首季宣传片。对此,这位传奇骑手在Facebook上向其8万粉丝宣布,借由Cavalleria Toscana的高品质马术风格装备,他很“高兴”他的赛场造型将更加“醒目有型”——它们不但能够精准地满足职业马术运动员的赛场需求,而且非常时髦,又不失优雅。

Brash, 32, is known for his style in the ring and Cavalleria Toscana is a perfect complelent to his personal look. This year marks his first season as a brand ambassador. Brash enthused to his Facebook over 80k followers that he was  "delighted" to be "sharpening up" his look in the ring with Cavalleria Toscana's 

quality equestrian looks that truly meets the demands of professionals with chic elegance.

每一件Cavalleria Toscana单品,都拥有极富辨识度的CT品牌标志,精致流畅的细节和线条,它们让像Brash这样的世界冠军,在赛场内外都能够保持闪耀有型。




Each Cavalleria Toscana piece features the distinctive CT logo and sleek styling to make champions like Brash stand out.




通过使用领先世界的高科技面料,Cavalleria Toscana具有极佳的运动功能性,如防紫外线,以此来确保赛场的优异表现;与此同时,超高的舒适度以及合体修身剪裁,能够完美融入当代马术爱好者的摩登活力生活

The brand's use of the latest fabric technology, and special properties like anti-UV and more ensures outstanding performance results, comfort and fit for the busy

lives of the Modern equestrian.




想要拥有和世界顶尖骑手Scott Brash同样的马术装备 Cavalleria Toscana将带给你前所未有的风格感和功能性体验。

Why not join Scott and try Cavalleria Toscana’s stylish and innovative equestrian wear for yourself? 

ELLA精品店拥有Cavalleria Toscana最完备的产品系列,包括男装、女装和童装,欢迎到店试穿体验。

The full range of Cavalleria Toscana products, including the Mens, Women and Kids are available at ELLA stores. 


2018年7月13日 11:38